What are the consequences of obesity and how to avoid them?

Maintaining a healthy routine is not easy. After all, obligations and responsibilities in the workplace often end up being prioritized.

The lack of time results in a routine with few physical activities and an unhealthy diet. Thus, the scenario is designed for problems such as obesity.

Despite the need for dedication and professional success, it is extremely important that you take care to avoid, for example, the consequences of obesity.

How about, then, getting to know a little more about the problems that can appear due to being overweight and, of course, what to do to avoid them?

Continue reading this article to find out how it is possible to maintain a healthy life, not because of the search for the “ideal body”, but for more health in your daily life. Check it out!

What are the main consequences of obesity?

According to data from the Ministry of Health, about 20% of the Brazilian population can be considered obese. How about knowing what the consequences of obesity are?

Deteriorated cardiac function

Overweight ends up overloading your entire body. Cardiac functions are undoubtedly the most impaired in individuals who are not properly cared for.

Hypertension and stroke

Data from the Brazilian Society of Nephrology show that 70% of obese people have hypertension problems. Strokes (Stroke) are also very common.

Diabetes with adult onset

Type 2 diabetes is more easily developed due to being overweight, and obesity is considered by the Brazilian Diabetes Society to be the main factor.

Kidney disease

A study by the Brazilian Society of Nephrology shows that being overweight can damage the kidneys and, as a consequence, increase the risk of developing chronic kidney disease.

What practices to adopt to prevent obesity?

The above topics are not encouraging, right? They therefore need to be used as an incentive for you to start changing certain habits.

The good news is that this can be done even in the most serious cases. The first step is to adopt a healthy diet, with more natural foods in your meals.

In addition, it is necessary to look for physical activities that can fit into your daily life. Exercise is fundamental in the fight against obesity, creating a healthier routine for the whole body.

As we have seen, the consequences of obesity are many and should give a warning signal to anyone who has not given due attention to the functioning of their body.

The good news is that it is possible to combat it with simple actions that generate pleasure and that are easy to fit into even the most busy work routines.

Now that you know the consequences of obesity and what practices can be adopted to prevent it, how about taking another step towards a healthier life?

Get in touch with us, get to know the physical activity options we offer in our gym and start modifying your routine and your health!


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