Understand what restrictive diets are and what their health risks are

From pineapple, soup, protein and even the moon: restrictive diets are often chosen by those who want to lose a lot of weight in a short time.

But do they really work? We know that a balanced diet and regular physical exercise form the ideal combo for weight loss and maintaining good health.

However, some people do not want to wait for the results to appear and resort to a limited and sacrificing menu to get the desired body, but are unaware of the risks that this can bring.

And you, are you aware of the damage that restrictive diets can bring? Read on and learn more!

What are considered restrictive diets?

A balanced diet is one that includes all nutrients and food groups according to the nutritional needs of each person.

A restrictive diet limits the menu a lot, removing some nutrients, types of food and / or drastically reducing calories.

It is worth remembering that they are not always villains. In fact, they are indicated for individuals who need to treat a health problem.

For example, the diet that you have diabetes should be restricted to sugars, just as people with high cholesterol need to decrease their intake of animal fats.

Even the obesity factor can be indicated, but always under the guidance of a nutritionist, as these diets are not for everyone and must be followed up.

What are the health risks of restrictive diets?

As we pointed out in the introduction, restrictive diets made without a doctor’s or nutritionist’s prescription can cause several damages to physical and mental health.

See below!

Food compulsion

Binge eating is characterized by episodes in which the person eats large amounts of food in a short time. The individual goes beyond the limit of satiety and continues to eat until he feels full or sick.

Generally, very caloric foods are eaten and the situation occurs after deprivation of them, as in restrictive diets.

This favors the accordion effect, which is the eternal weight loss and fattening, and is not healthy for the body.

Nutrient deficiency

By limiting food groups or the amount of calories, nutrients from restrictive diets are not enough.

Therefore, nutrient deficiency is one of the serious problems of this type of diet, as it can cause several diseases.

Hair loss, weak nails and poor skin quality are just some examples of what usually happens at first.

Over time, anemia, osteoporosis, hypovitaminosis can develop, among many other diseases related to restrictive diets.

Low self-esteem

In addition to the accordion effect being harmful to the body, the self-esteem of those who adhere to restrictive diets can be shaken.

Imagine you reach your desired weight and body, but then gain all the pounds again and even more.

This gives us a feeling of failure and that we will never reach the standards of beauty considered ideal.

From there, a series of correlated psychological diseases can arise, such as bulimia and anorexia, which are serious eating disorders.

We must remember that physical activities combined with a balanced diet are always the healthiest way to achieve fitness.

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